Oh So Heavenly truly make the most wonderful
products, or at least all the ones I have tried have been nothing less
than lovely. Their entire range is huge and you should check it out at
Clicks sometime! 

At a Bloggers Who Bless event, in a goodie bag I was given part of the Oh So Heavenly Beauty Sleep Collection, Wish Upon a Star Soothing Pillow Mist. The product is as it says, a mist you spray onto your pillow or bedding and the blend of aromatherapy with Lavender, Orange and Patchouli oils makes magic in your senses by calming your mind in order to inspire peaceful beauty sleep.
I have only been using my pillow mist for the past 2 weeks and I can truly say I love it and I never want to be without it. I sleep with 2 pillows, so before I go to brush my teeth and wash my face I spritz 2 sprays of the pillow mist onto my pillows and it makes my room smell gorgeous. The lavender is very powerful and luckily one of my favourite aromatherapy smells. I then proceed to the bathroom to do the admin of night time skin care routine and cleaning of teeth before retreating back into a heavenly scented room ready for some serious sleep.
Call it coincidence or the placebo effect but since I started using this little gem I have found that once my head hits that pillow it doesn’t take long for me to wind down and get sleepy and before I know it pass out entirely. I believe the bottle will last for ages and I would seriously recommend this to anyone that battles with sleeping, as there is nothing worse than lying in bed when you’ve been stressed and your body is exhausted but that mind won’t wind down and let you have peaceful, undisturbed sleep. So far, so good and I will be taking this spritz-bottle of happiness wherever I find myself on my extensive adventures over the next few weeks in order to get the best possible sleep.
Soothing Pillow Mist is available at Clicks nationwide and is R19.95 for 100ml.
x flea143
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