
Thursday, 15 May 2014

Rolling with the punches in the Blogosphere ...

There has been a lot of venting , speculation and unhappiness at how the blog world is currently being portrayed both by bloggers (old & new) and also regarding blogger meets.

Up until now I have really kept my silence and just viewed these comments, albeit with a rather bemused smile in my office see this is not new at all! Blogger bashing , Blog bashing , venting and sarcasm seems to reign supreme these days. A sad truth but very real!

South Africa is still relatively 'small fry' when it comes to using Social Media for marketing purposes and as such you find the same bloggers, the same media personalities attending all the coveted launches and events. What has however changed are the 'numbers' as far as bloggers go , these have increased surprisingly over the last 5 years resulting in an influx and flooding of an already sparse market, thereby limiting opportunity for inclusion and invitation to attend media events.

As a result you can either join the so called 'venters' and decry a lack of fairness , misjudgement and throw a tantrum. You can also choose to write posts about how bad bloggers are and how great you are, justifying to a deaf audience and seriously peeving off the marketing and PR companies at the same time.

You can consciously choose to be the change you want to see, celebrate with others , support their blogs , comment on the fabulous events you are get an insiders view into. What is even sadder is when I genuinely do this, my honest 'joy and comments' are viewed in a sinister light and with pessimism, purely because of the competitive environment we(yes we, the online community) have created.

Think about it if you just value the opportunities you get and where possible take someone along with you, there will be more than enough for us to all SHARE. Realistically more than 70% of bloggers work full time in an alternative job and are not able to attend daytime events happy for those that can! Enjoy seeing new products and fabulous launches.

Then there is the nasty animal known as GOODIE BAG ENVY sure we would all like to be spoilt but that is what it is ... a spoil! Not a given , not a demand , not a requirement but a spoil!
A gift from a brand or sponsor is great, but it comes with a responsibility too. You need to honour the brands that support you, don't denegate them publicly challenging their policies and the likes. If you do not agree with something take it up privately and then blog about your experience and the outcome.Also don't just take and never give anything back to the marketing companies it is all about honour and you will gain a reputation.

Lastly the BLOGGER MEETS ....hmmmmm

I personally have started a Blogger Community / Network (call it what you will) called #bwb or #BloggersWhoBless. We and I have come under fire many a time by people being challenging us with questions such as 'who do you bless?'.
We bless each other and if you read the Ethos behind this group we all pledge to encourage and inspire one another , to uplift each other and to help each other with our blogs using our unique talents and skill sets. We also pledge to be PR friendly ( no ranting , venting about associated brands). We give honest reviews and have all become genuine friends looking forwards to our meets and missing each other in-between.#bwb ladies know and understand that Goodie Bags are not a given and are a treat.

I started #bwb because I saw a lack of support and community , I saw ladies crying out for friendship but to scared to make themselves vulnerable on their own.I chose ladies who already responded to followers and were already practicing the above criteria to some extent ...women who had already embraced others unknowingly.

I think everyone's biggest 'bug bear' is that I have limited the numbers ...this is purely for logistics. If I am pledging to do something along with others I want to ensure that these pledges are being met and that we remain honest and transparent at all times ... if that makes me an ogre well so be it!

#bwb is here to encourage bloggers ... you can create a community that is all about LOVING ONE ANOTHER.

We have networks in Cape Town , Johannesburg and Durban is launching this month. Each Network launches with 10 members and progresses to 16 members by the second meet, we do this because we have a 'Buddy System' and each blogger gets allocated a buddy for the month to support , encourage , help and uplift.

As for other Blogger Meets...

I have only been to the Cape Town Blogger Meet in January and I had a ball with the people at my table. We were spoilt rotten by the sponsors and I met many faces behind Twitter and Blogs that I follow. The facility was perhaps not ideal being two separate rooms but otherwise it was fabulous.

I really honestly wish we could all get along and just be kind to one another , if you have ever met me you would know I am not a small animal (tee hee) , I am known to give hugs to random strangers and if I say I will do something I'll do it!

I have made mistakes , been hurtfully accused by other bloggers but ultimately ...your blogging and who you choose to be associated with IS UP TO YOU!


Unknown says:
at: 15 May 2014 at 06:02 said...

What the actual EFF is going on in the bloggersphere lately? I love you Heather, keep doing what you are doing. It makes us all happy. Eff the rest!

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x Heather

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